Wellbeing at work encompasses components that cross over and into many business departments or units. Work that has been found to be good for wellbeing incorporates:
Job design that allows employee control over the work they do and matches with their perceived levels of competence.
Excellent communications with line manager and employee to ensure employee understands line manager expectations and the relationship is strong.
The employee feels safe at work.
The employee gains a sense of purpose, meaning and accomplishment from their job.
The volume of hours and work pattern allows for family time, activities outside of work that are restorative and contribute to a good work life balance.
Perception of fairness in the way colleagues and themselves are treated
Clear career prospects
Full details and examination of the effectors on employee wellbeing - "Worker wellbeing and worker performance" from the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills can be found through this link.
As you can see much of the above is about job design, the workplace culture and behaviours. This guides who needs to be part of a team whose objective is to manage wellbeing. It is likely that the team will require external support from a professional in workplace wellbeing. This field of work is not currently regulated, although many regulated health professionals are available for this type of role. I suggest that when selecting a wellbeing person you use the following Code of Practice for Wellbeing Practitioners to assist in selecting a professional and informed provider.
It is essential to then agree the definition of workplace wellbeing and components. Agreement within the wellbeing team and wider. Wellbeing is for all both affected by and having an influence on. Therefore, a whole organisation or department approach is appropriate, well being cannot just sit with a group and not permeate through the whole workforce. So education about what it is and what the organisation plans are is necessary. Doing road shows, workshops, webinars, pages on intranet are all methods of spreading the work.